AV Productions

AV Productions


Yoga teacher Natasha Gunn, Amsterdam Nieuw West

Promo about yoga classes


A Sunday in New York
 Open Studio Amsterdam


Straatfeest Lombok (Street party Lombok). Featured at the 'Utrecht over Utrecht' festival in Utrecht and Lombox festival in Lombok 


Zonnewind/Caleidoscoop (sunwind/ caleidoscope). Avalon visual Arts Theater 


Graduation Movie 'Ik Leeuw, jij Tweeling' ('I'm Lion, you Gemini')
 Open Studio Video and Digital Media Amsterdam
. Exhibited at the cinema and literature festival Utrecht Utrecht)


Pres Rue Arsene Houssaye

Impression of the surroundings of the street in Paris


Body Sports, Fun for Everybody

Products promo    


In The Picture 2. Theatre Krater in association with Jeugd theaterschool Southeast

A festival registration


Karidiès Epidaurus Greece, Greek Culture & Theatre

Promo and internet Display (internet)

Theater still